Below are human-friendly descriptions of the REST interface exposed by porter apps. Concrete descriptions of the API can be generated passing expose_docs=True to See the OpenAPI Schemas page for more details.

Prediction Service Endpoints

Each prediction service added to an instance of ModelApp (often referred to as a “porter app”) is routed to its own endpoint. The endpoint is computed from attributes of the model services: /<model name>/<model version>/prediction. For example:

service1 = PredictionService(name='foo', version='v1', ...)
service2 = PredictionService(name='bar', version='v2', ...)
model_app = ModelApp([service1, service2])

will expose two models on the endpoints /foo/v1/prediction and /ns/bar/v2/prediction. The endpoints accept POST requests with JSON payloads and return JSON payloads to the user. POST responses will look something like:

    "model_context": {
        "api_version": "v1",
        "model_meta": {},
        "model_name": "foo"
    "predictions": [
            "id": 1,
            "prediction": 0
    "request_id": "0f86644edee546ee9c495a9a71b0746c"

For debugging purposes, the endpoints also accept GET requests, which simply return the message "This endpoint is live.  Send POST requests for predictions."

Endpoint customization endpoints can be customized with the namespace and action arguments. For example,

service3 = PredictionService(
    name='baz', version='v1',
    namespace='datascience', action='pred', ...)
model_app = ModelApp([service3])

results in the endpoint /datascience/baz/v1/pred.

Custom services also have the flexibility to define their endpoints.

Health Checks

Two health check endpoints are exposed by each porter app (not for each service): /-/alive and /-/ready. These are useful for load balancing a porter app. Each health check endpoint returns a JSON payload with metadata about the deployment and services that are running, e.g.:

  "app_meta": {},
  "deployed_on": "2020-04-01T12:00:00.445124",
  "porter_version": "0.15.3",
  "request_id": "e59b0ab32fe94ea1a31cb289a36baf51",
  "services": {
    "/my-model/v1/prediction": {
      "endpoint": "/my-model/v1/prediction",
      "model_context": {
        "api_version": "v1",
        "model_meta": {},
        "model_name": "my-model"
      "status": "READY"

If the app is running, the /-/alive endpoint response will have a 200 status code. The /-/ready endpoint will return a 503 if any of the services added to the ModelApp indicate that they are not ready.


Although all services included in porter are always considered ready, distinguishing between “liveness” and “readiness” is expected by many platforms such as Kubernetes. Exposing both now allows us to support services that may make that distinction in the future without users having to change their code.

Error Objects

Responses to requests that result in client or server side errors will return the appropriate status code and a payload with information describing the error and request context. Such payloads contain error and model_context objects as well as the request_id.

    "error": {
        "messages": [
            "Schema validation failed: data must be array"
        "name": "UnprocessableEntity"
    "model_context": {
        "api_version": "v2",
        "model_meta": {},
        "model_name": "user-ratings"
    "request_id": "e7fd6560f6614a77bd762f878ea1dd7f"

Status Codes

Clients should be prepared to handle the following error codes from service endpoints.

  • 400: Bad Request. Raised when the payload cannot be parsed.

  • 422: Unprocessable Entity. This also indicates there is an error in the request payload, but raises the distinction that although the data was valid JSON, it contains semantic errors. This includes invalid schemas or user raised errors (from

  • 500: Something went wrong when model.predict was called.