Unit Testing porter Apps


Currently porter uses flask to implement a WSGI server. Even though we are about to recommend using the underlying flask app in your unittests, this should be considered an implementation detail elsewhere.

If one day the decision is made no longer to use flask, the developers of porter will have to rewrite soooo many unit tests in order to use the upgrades ourselves. Therefore you can rest assured that if this ever happens, we will make accommodations for easily updating test suites.

That said, none of our production code is using @model_app.app.route(...) anywhere, so outside of subclasses of unittest.TestCase we recommend to forget all about this little secret.

Using a test client

The following code demonstrates how to write unit tests for porter apps that make API calls against a mock server.

model_app = ModelApp(...)
test_client = model_app.app.test_client()

As mentioned above, the test client is actually a flask test client. See the flask documentation for more details.