Source code for porter.api

"""Light wrappers around ``flask`` and ``requests``."""

import functools
import gzip
import io
import json
import uuid

import flask
import werkzeug.exceptions as werkzeug_exc

from . import config as cf

[docs] def request_method(): """Return the HTTP method of the current request, e.g. 'GET', 'POST', etc.""" return flask.request.method
[docs] def request_json(silent=False): """Return the JSON from the current request. Args: silent (bool): Silence parsing errors and return None instead. """ request = flask.request encoding = str(request.content_encoding).lower() data = None bad_request = werkzeug_exc.BadRequest( 'The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand.') try: if encoding == 'gzip': data = json.loads(gzip.decompress(request.get_data()).decode('utf-8')) elif encoding in ('identity', 'none'): data = request.get_json(force=True) else: raise werkzeug_exc.UnsupportedMediaType(f'unsupported encoding: "{encoding}"') if data is None: raise bad_request except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError, json.JSONDecodeError, werkzeug_exc.BadRequest) as err: if not silent: raise bad_request from err return data
[docs] def jsonify(data, *, status_code): """'Jsonify' a Python object into something an instance of :class:`App` can return to the user. """ jsonified = flask.jsonify(data) jsonified.status_code = status_code jsonified.raw_data = data if status_code == 200 and cf.support_response_gzip: _encode_response_inplace(jsonified) return jsonified
def _gzip_response(response): response.direct_passthrough = False = gzip.compress( response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding' response.headers['Content-Length'] = len( def _encode_response_inplace(response): """Encode response if a supported value of ``Accept-Encoding`` is passed.""" # See accept_encoding = flask.request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '').lower() if 'gzip' in accept_encoding and cf.support_response_gzip: _gzip_response(response) else: # If the client requests an unsupported encoding, # it may be appropriate to respond with 406 Not Acceptable. # However, it is probably preferrable to simply respond with # "identity" encoding instead. # pass return response
[docs] def request_id(): """Return a "unique" ID for the current request.""" # if not hasattr(flask.g, 'request_id'): flask.g.request_id = uuid.uuid4().hex return flask.g.request_id
[docs] def set_model_context(service): """Register a model on the request context. Args: service (:class:`porter.sevices.BaseService`) """ # flask.g.model_context = service
[docs] def get_model_context(): """Returns :class:`porter.sevices.BaseService` or None""" # return getattr(flask.g, 'model_context', None)
class _PorterJSONProvider(flask.json.provider.DefaultJSONProvider): def __init__(self, *args, encoder_factory, **kwargs): self.__encoder = encoder_factory() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def default(self, s, **kwargs): return self.__encoder.default(s)
[docs] class App(flask.Flask): """Light wrapper around ````.""" # Flask's recommendation is to subclass ```` if you need # custom JSON behavior # json_provider_class = functools.partial(_PorterJSONProvider, encoder_factory=cf.json_encoder)
[docs] def post(*args, data, **kwargs): # requests should be considered an optional dependency. # for additional details on this pattern see the loading module. import requests return*args, data=json.dumps(data), **kwargs)
[docs] def get(*args, **kwargs): # requests should be considered an optional dependency. # for additional details on this pattern see the loading module. import requests return requests.get(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_url(url): """Return True if ``url`` is valid and False otherwise. Roughly speaking, a valid URL is a URL containing sufficient information for :meth:`post()` and :meth:`get()` to send requests - whether or not the URL actually exists. """ from urllib3.util import parse_url # basically following the implementation here # try: parts = parse_url(url) except Exception: is_valid = False is_valid = parts.scheme and return is_valid