Source code for porter.responses

import traceback

from . import __version__ as VERSION
from . import config as cf
from . import constants as cn
from . import api

# NOTE: private functions make testing easier as they bypass `flask` methods
# that require a context, e.g. `api.jsonify`

[docs] class Response: def __init__(self, data, *, status_code=200): service_class = api.get_model_context() if isinstance(data, dict): = self._init_payload(service_class, data) else: = data self.status_code = status_code
[docs] def jsonify(self): return api.jsonify(, status_code=self.status_code)
def _init_payload(self, service_class, data): payload = self._init_base_response() if service_class is not None: payload[cn.PREDICTION_KEYS.MODEL_CONTEXT] = self._init_model_context(service_class) # TODO: set model context to null? # payload.update(data) return payload @staticmethod def _init_base_response(): payload = {} if cf.return_request_id: payload[cn.BASE_KEYS.REQUEST_ID] = api.request_id() return payload @staticmethod def _init_model_context(service_class): model_context = { cn.MODEL_CONTEXT_KEYS.MODEL_NAME:, cn.MODEL_CONTEXT_KEYS.API_VERSION: service_class.api_version, } model_context[cn.MODEL_CONTEXT_KEYS.MODEL_META] = service_class.meta return model_context
_init_model_context = Response._init_model_context
[docs] def make_prediction_response(id_value, prediction): payload = { cn.PREDICTION_KEYS.PREDICTIONS: { cn.PREDICTION_PREDICTIONS_KEYS.ID: id_value, cn.PREDICTION_PREDICTIONS_KEYS.PREDICTION: prediction } } return Response(payload)
[docs] def make_batch_prediction_response(id_values, predictions): payload = { cn.PREDICTION_KEYS.PREDICTIONS: [ { cn.PREDICTION_PREDICTIONS_KEYS.ID: id, cn.PREDICTION_PREDICTIONS_KEYS.PREDICTION: p } for id, p in zip(id_values, predictions) ] } return Response(payload)
[docs] def make_error_response(error): # TODO: this may not be the best place to do this, really we're working # around another ``flask``-specific artifact if cf.preserve_original_exceptions: # On ``flask``'s API: # if (original_exception := getattr(error, 'original_exception', None)) is not None: error = original_exception payload = {} payload[cn.GENERIC_ERROR_KEYS.ERROR] = error_dict = {} # all errors should at least return the name error_dict[cn.ERROR_BODY_KEYS.NAME] = type(error).__name__ # include optional attributes ## these are "error specific" attributes if cf.return_message_on_error: # getattr() is used to work around werkzeug's bad implementation of # HTTPException (i.e. HTTPException inherits from Exception but exposes a # different API, namely Exception.message -> HTTPException.description). messages = [error.description] if hasattr(error, 'description') else error.args error_dict[cn.ERROR_BODY_KEYS.MESSAGES] = messages if cf.return_traceback_on_error: error_dict[cn.ERROR_BODY_KEYS.TRACEBACK] = traceback.format_exc() if cf.return_user_data_on_error: # silent=True -> flask.request.get_json(...) returns None if user did not error_dict[cn.ERROR_BODY_KEYS.USER_DATA] = api.request_json(silent=True) return Response(payload, status_code=getattr(error, 'code', 500))
[docs] def make_alive_response(app): app_state = _build_app_state(app) return Response(app_state, status_code=200)
[docs] def make_ready_response(app): app_state = _build_app_state(app) ready = _is_ready(app_state) response = Response(app_state, status_code=200 if ready else 503) return response
def _is_ready(app_state): services = app_state[cn.HEALTH_CHECK_KEYS.SERVICES] # app must define services and all services must be ready all_services_ready = all( svc[cn.HEALTH_CHECK_SERVICES_KEYS.STATUS] is cn.HEALTH_CHECK_VALUES.IS_READY for svc in services.values()) return services and all_services_ready def _build_app_state(app): """Return the app state as a "jsonify-able" object.""" top_keys = cn.HEALTH_CHECK_KEYS svc_keys = cn.HEALTH_CHECK_SERVICES_KEYS return { top_keys.PORTER_VERSION: VERSION, top_keys.DEPLOYED_ON: cn.HEALTH_CHECK_VALUES.DEPLOYED_ON, top_keys.APP_META: app.meta, top_keys.SERVICES: { { svc_keys.MODEL_CONTEXT: _init_model_context(service), svc_keys.STATUS: service.status, svc_keys.ENDPOINT: service.endpoint, } for service in } }