Source code for porter.utils

import datetime
import io
import json
import logging
import traceback
from inspect import istraceback

import numpy as np

[docs] class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """A JSON encoder that handles ``numpy`` data types."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return super().default(obj)
[docs] class PythonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ A JSON encoder that extends ``json.JSONEncoder`` to handle additional Python types. """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (, datetime.datetime, datetime.time)): return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) elif istraceback(obj): with io.StringIO() as string_io: traceback.print_tb(obj, file=string_io) return string_io.getvalue() elif isinstance(obj, Exception): return repr(obj) return super().default(obj)
[docs] class AppEncoder(NumpyEncoder, PythonEncoder): """A JSON encoder that handles ``numpy`` and python data types."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): try: return super().default(obj) except TypeError: try: return str(obj) except Exception: pass
[docs] class JSONLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): """A JSON formatter for logs. Usage: >>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) >>> logger.setLevel('INFO') >>> console = logging.StreamHandler() >>> formatter = JSONLogFormatter('asctime', 'message', 'levelname') >>> console.setFormatter(formatter) >>> logger.addHandler(console) >>>{'something': 'interesting'}) {"message": {"something": "interesting"}, "levelname": "INFO", "asctime": "2018-07-05 11:48:54,248"} Any attribute of ``logging.LogRecord`` can be specified to log. See Exception information does not need to be specified. If there was an exception, that information is added automatically to the log. >>> try: >>> raise Exception('something bad') >>> except Exception as err: >>> logger.exception(err) {"exc_text": "...", "exc_info": "...", "levelname": "ERROR", "asctime": "2018-07-05 11:51:26,179", "message": "something bad"} Args: fields (list of str): List of fields to include in log. This can be any attribute of a ``logging.LogRecord`` object plus "asctime" and "message". For a list of ``logging.LogRecord`` attributes. indent (int or None): The indentation level. Values are the same as ``json.dump``. encoder (object): A ``json.JSONEncoder`` subclass. It is recommended to use ``Encoder`` or a subclass thereof if you need additional handling so that ``Exception``'s and ``datetime``'s are properly handled. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``logging.Formatter.__init__``. """ # tests can override this value as a `tuple` to preserve order. _field_lookup_type = set def __init__(self, *fields, indent=None, encoder=None, **kwargs): self.fields = self._field_lookup_type(fields) self.encoder = AppEncoder if encoder is None else encoder self.indent = indent super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def format(self, record): record = self._process_record(record) return json.dumps(record, cls=self.encoder, indent=self.indent)
def _process_record(self, record): # following python implementation # fields = self._field_lookup_type(self.fields) if 'message' in fields: # skip default implementation which converts `record.msg` to a # `dict` and then performs string formatting when `record.msg` is # a `dict`. if isinstance(record.msg, dict): record.message = record.msg else: record.message = record.getMessage() if 'asctime' in fields: record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt) if record.exc_info: fields.add('exc_info') # Cache the traceback text to avoid converting it multiple times # (it's constant anyway) if not record.exc_text: record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info) fields.add('exc_text') if record.stack_info: fields.add('stack_info') return {field: getattr(record, field, None) for field in fields}
[docs] def object_constants(obj): return [(attr, val) for attr, val in vars(obj).items() if not attr.startswith('_') and attr.isupper()]
# keep this reference for backwards compatibility JSONFormatter = JSONLogFormatter